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woman meditating

Try a Little Meditation

added on: January 31, 2022

With all of the added stress in our lives today, there are so many reasons why people of all ages are experiencing mental health issues such as heightened anxiety or depression. As your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington, we want to suggest you give meditation a try. Let us explain why!

It’s Good for Everyone and Anyone

There are no age restrictions or limitations when it comes to practicing mindfulness and meditation. According to the Mayo Clinic, it’s one of the most simple and least expensive forms of stress relief that doesn’t make you purchase special equipment. They suggest using meditation wherever you are, whether it’s during our daily walk, riding the train, or right before a big meeting.

Did you know that meditation has been used for thousands of years, originally derived from the need for people to have a deeper, more spiritual, or mystical connection to the world around them? We invite you to use meditation to help you relax more and stress less.

How to Meditate

When used correctly and regularly, meditation can actually put you into a deep state of tranquility that you might never have experienced before. During meditation, you’ll want to:

– Focus on your attention

– Eliminate distractions

– Quiet crazy thoughts

The result could be a heightened sense of physical and mental wellbeing, and we know we could all use more of that in our busy, hectic lives.

Meditation and Breathing

Simply focusing on breathing deeply and calmly is an effective form of meditation. Our bodies are programmed to breathe deeply when angry, stressed, excited; it is one of nature’s most effective calming mechanisms. But it is not only calming, but it can also have incredible health benefits, including:

  • Lowered blood pressure
  • An increase in oxygen and with oxygen, energy
  • Mental clarity
  • Tension relief
  • Immune system strengthening
  • Improved posture
  • Pain relief
  • Strengthening of the heart and lungs
  • Improved digestion

It can even make you look years younger!

If you’re ready to talk more about wellness or biological and holistic dentistry in Wilmington with us, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or reach out online. Stay tuned to our blogs for more holistic tips! We look forward to seeing you soon and helping you stay healthy throughout 2022.