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oral cancer awareness

The Simplest Ways to Prevent Oral Cancer

added on: April 12, 2021

Before April has come and gone, your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington wanted to take a moment to recognize some ways to prevent oral cancer. Why here and now? Because April is officially Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s always a good time to talk about ways you can prevent this potentially deadly disease from affecting you or someone you love. 

The Oral Cancer Foundation and your Wilimington biological and holistic dentist will always tell you that to beat oral cancer, you have to catch the warning signs early. As with any type of cancer, early detection is the key to beating the disease. 

What You Should Know About Oral Cancer

No one wants or deserves to deal with cancer, especially in your mouth. Oral cancer is a type of disease that can show signs in and around your:

  • Mouth
  • Lips
  • Tongue
  • Gums
  • Cheeks
  • Glands

Any or all of these areas can show signs of oral cancer, usually it’s extremely difficult to detect.

How Can I Prevent Oral Cancer?

Here are some of the top tips to prevent oral cancer from affecting you and your family:

  1. End Smoking and Drinking – Cigarettes and alcohol use can contribute greatly to increasing your risk of oral cancer. Try to avoid drinking excessively and smoking or using other tobacco products altogether. 
  2. Be Mindful of the Sun – We all know the many benefits the sun can provide in terms of giving us a vitamin D boost, but you want to be careful about how much time you spend exposed. Keep your lips covered with an outdoor-friendly lip balm complete with sunscreen. Why not find your best beach hat, cover yourself in sunscreen, keep your lips healthy, and protect your gorgeous smile while you enjoy Delaware’s best beaches.
  3. Eat Your Fruits and Vegetables – Everyone from your Wilmington biological and holistic dentist to your primary care provider will tell you that we all need to eat more fruit and veggies. Not getting enough of their nutrients can lead to an increased risk of developing oral cancer. Colorful, natural ingredients incorporated into breakfast, lunch, and dinner will give your body a boost in antioxidants and vitamins to keep you and your smile healthy.

We don’t wait until April to make sure you’re free from oral cancer. At every visit, we conduct a visual and manual screening of your mouth, head, neck, lips, etc. If you or someone close to you is in need of a new dentist in Wilmington or a dental cleaning, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at All About Smiles. Call us or contact us online today to learn more about your options.