Phone: 302-239-1641 Hours • Monday - Wednesday 8am - 4pm, Thursday 8am - 1pm

SMART Certified

Because it’s the SMART Thing to Do for You

For Safety. For Health. For Life.

Do you or someone in your family have a metal or amalgam restoration that’s been bothering you? It might be time to have it removed and replaced — safely and efficiently.

The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) says all dental amalgam or metal restorations contain about 50 percent mercury. The IAMOT also has numerous reports and research showing how easily amalgam restorations or fillings can actually release minute, yet dangerous amounts of mercury vapors into your body. This scientific research led them to create something known as the SMART or Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique.


What Does All of This Mean for You?

We strictly follow the SMART guidelines every time we conduct any kind of treatment when amalgam or mercury fillings are involved. It’s for the safety of our team. Most importantly, it’s for YOUR safety. We have a full range of protective measures in place to properly safeguard you and everyone involved in your treatment. This includes:

  • Proper ventilation
  • Highly protective gear for both patients and staff members
  • High-volume suction and water irrigation
  • Giving a vitamin dosing before, during, and after your procedure

Why Remove Your Old Restorations?

As we mentioned before, science and researchers are telling us that it’s not safe to have these substances such as mercury in your body. Your Wilmington biological and holistic family dentists agree with and always utilize the SMART removal process for many reasons. Now, more than ever, it’s important to protect each other especially after research shows mercury exposes everyone from our team to patients (even unborn children) to possible contamination. We take safety seriously and this is just another way we ensure it for you and for our environment. The mercury in your fillings could be having a negative effect on your body just by simply doing everyday activities such as:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Clenching your teeth
  • Chewing your favorite foods

If you’re wondering or concerned about how mercury might be affecting you and your smile, you should give us a call or send us a message. We’ll gladly discuss this process with you so you better understand what’s involved every step of the way.