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added on: March 23, 2022
green smoothies

March is here and your holistic and biological dentists in Wilmington think it’s time for a recipe recharge as we share some healthy ideas you can use to give your body a reboot just in time for spring. We do love our green juice drinks at our Wilmington holistic and biological dental… Read More…

added on: January 31, 2022
woman meditating

With all of the added stress in our lives today, there are so many reasons why people of all ages are experiencing mental health issues such as heightened anxiety or depression. As your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington, we want to suggest you give meditation a try. Let us… Read More…

added on: November 4, 2021

When your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington is educating patients like you about what it takes to have optimal oral health, we’ll chat with you about your diet and hygiene habits. We also want to know about what else you’re facing in life. Do you exercise regularly? Are you… Read More…

added on: August 3, 2021
woman in sunflower field

Have you ever heard of vitamin D being referred to as nature’s “sunshine vitamin?” That’s because it’s both a hormone and a vitamin that can either be absorbed through the foods you eat or produced naturally by the body in response to sunlight. However, sometimes it’s hard to get as… Read More…

added on: July 7, 2021
smiling businesswoman

Have you ever heard of the remineralization process? By adding some supplements to your diet, you can fortify your smile and feed it properly — just like the rest of your body. It’s important to note that before adding any supplements to your routine, you should always double-check with your… Read More…

added on: April 12, 2021
oral cancer awareness

Before April has come and gone, your biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington wanted to take a moment to recognize some ways to prevent oral cancer. Why here and now? Because April is officially Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s always a good time to talk about ways you can… Read More…

added on: March 12, 2021
skeptical woman

Your biological and holistic dentists in Wilmington often get asked if our non-traditional dentistry style is real or how it compares to other offices. We’re always happy to answer your questions and talk with you about how we can help improve and protect both your oral and overall health. We… Read More…

added on: January 20, 2021
woman meditates with her dog

To close out our January 2021 blogs, we’d like to share another invaluable health care tip that your Wilmington holistic and biological believes in and practices wholeheartedly. It’s all about meditating. We’re sure you’ve heard or read about how it’s greatly beneficial to help reduce unnecessary stress, but there are… Read More…

added on: January 11, 2021
2021 resolutions on calendar

We made it past the year that was 2020 and there are certainly brighter, better days ahead for us all. As your holistic and biological dentist in Wilmington, we take your whole body health into consideration while also taking care of your precious smile. Here are some tips we hope… Read More…

added on: December 2, 2020
stressed man

We came across this article featuring well-known Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow. It talks about how she sought advice from a holistic dentist to actually help her family deal and heal from her split with her musician husband, Chris Martin. The two notorious split in 2016 in what they described as… Read More…

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