Phone: 302-239-1641 Hours • Monday - Wednesday 8am - 4pm, Thursday 8am - 1pm

Wilmington Biological and Holistic Family Dental Care

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Where Dentistry and Serenity Become One

Does any of this ring true to you and your lifestyle?

  • You buy everything organic
  • You stretch and exercise as much as you can
  • You practice mindfulness and meditation
  • You care about the health of our environment
  • You value kindness and positivity in your daily life
  • You understand the importance of oral and overall health
  • You and your family want a biological and holistic dentist in Wilmington who respects your needs

You belong at
All About Smiles

Both biological and holistic dentistry are centered around the inherent connection your oral health plays on your overall health. We don’t just fill fillings. We don’t put crowns on your broken teeth and call it a day. Our doctors make it their mission to determine what caused your cavity and decay, getting to the root causes of your symptoms (everywhere in your body) not just masking them with unnecessary medicines or treatments.

Total Body Health:
Family Style

We are always amazed at the families we meet at our Wilmington biological and holistic dental office. It’s such a beautiful thing to see them evolve and grow, from small to large. Your diversity and propensity for love of one another, your health, and our environment make every day a special day at All About Smiles. Our time with you is valued and rewarding.

Just like you do every single day — every doctor and member of our team will put your family first. We want to provide you with complete wellbeing and health, starting with your smile. What we do for your teeth greatly impacts what happens elsewhere in your body.